Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Become a Queens of Curls Rep!!!!

- If you don't want a head-shot on your card, just let me know and I'll replace it with a Queens of Curls Picture.

-Cards will be send digitally (in jpeg. format) so that you may use them to promote on any social network you chose.

-Flyers will be provided that describes each product. Brochures to come in the near feature. 

---The first 15 representatives that sign up will receive free products, number 16 and up will receive half off all products! (7 of 15 remaining).

-Stylist and Salons please contact me at any of the links below for info!! 

Below is an example of how your card will look!!! 

For any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contract via email or Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc! 


  1. I'm interested in doing this! I'm going to shoot you an e-mail so we can discuss this! Great idea!

    1. YAY!!! Thank You!! I'll be looking forward to your email!!
