Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed Oil can be used to beautify your hair from within, as well as from without. The oil is rich in essential fatty acids, along with vitamins and protein. Hemp oil is good for people with all hair and skin types, though its nutty scent can take some getting used to. While some people confuse it with marijuana, hemp oil is legal and does not contain the compound THC that gives people a "high." Though the plants are both classified Cannabis sativa L., they are scientifically different. Industrial hemp is cultivated for its oil, fiber and seed content, whereas marijuana is grown for its THC content.

Hemp Seed Oil on Hair....

Hemp Seed Oil can also be used in hair and scalp treatments. It can be used to reduce the oiliness of oil based shampoo. Using hemp oil on scalp does not lead to hair fall. On the other hand, it improves scalp health by providing EFA ( essential fatty acids ) directly to the skin.
Omega – 3 in hemp seed oil improves the texture of hair, making them look shinier and stronger.  These fats are good for the health of hair follicle. Hemp Seed oil also provides the scalp with many vital amino acids.
Use hemp oil to condition your hair and your scalp. Hemp oil has vitamin E, along with a high essential fatty acid content. Fatty acids provide emollient action, meaning they prevent water loss and have a softening effect. The oil is also a natural moisturizer that boosts scalp health, shoring up the intercellular matrix, which protects against moisture loss. Keeping the scalp healthy can help prevent dry scalp and minimize irritation. Hemp oil is especially good to use in the winter, when the outdoor air is cold and indoor heating systems are cranked up, because both of these factors dry out your hair and skin. ( 
Hemp Oil Color, Taste and Odor.....
Hemp oil can be of various types depending on ways in which it is processed. Cold pressed but unfiltered hemp oil is dark green  and unclear liquid. It has an nut like flavor, somewhat grassy. The refined hemp oil is however colorless and lacks much of the original flavor of unrefined hemp oil. The refined version also lacks in many nutrients that are present in hemp seeds naturally. So, from a nutrition point of view, one should go with unrefined hemp oil. (
Uses and Health Benefits
Hemp Oil for Skin
Filtered hemp oil can be applied directly ( undiluted ) to the skin. This topical application has the following effects.
  • Moisturizer – Hemp oil acts as a good natural moisturizer which doesn’t feel and look too oily in comparison to something like olive oil.
  • Drying effect – This oil dries up after some time, making your skin look normal and natural.
  • Anti-aging – Hemp oil can have anti-aing effects on skin. It improves the composition of epidural lipids ( fats in the outermost kin layer ) and improve the overall functioning of skin.
  • Improve water resistance – Hemp oil protects the skin from reverse osmosis effects of water which causes skin to lose its nutrients. This explains why your skin looks dull after a shower, especially in places where the TDS in water is high.
If the oil feels too dry, mix it with olive oil for a better “oily” feel. This is helpful when doing a massage. In that case, you don’t want the oil to get absorbed so quickly. Read more interesting facts @


  • 2 oz  $5.00
  • 4 oz  $8.00
  • oz  $12.00


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