Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How To Choose A Shampoo for Natural Black Hair | – Growing Black Hair Long And Healthy

How To Choose A Shampoo for Natural Black Hair | – Growing Black Hair Long And Healthy

There are plenty of shampoos targeted to women of colour but what is suitable for natural black hair which tends to be very tightly curled and dry? You must first understand the reason for the dryness then find a shampoo that does not make the condition worse or one that improves the hair condition altogether.
The reason for dryness in natural black hair is simply this; due to the curliness of the hair, natural oils from the sebaceous glands in the scalp are unable to work their way down the hair shaft effectively as they would in straighter hair, hence the hair loses moisture quickly. Due to these special circumstances it’s important to consider a number of factors when purchasing a shampoo for this type of hair.
With natural black hair the last thing you want to add to it is something that will dry it out more. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and other sulfates are common foaming ingredients found in majority of the shampoos. Sulfates certainly do their job well as they clean the hair out completely but they leave it extremely dry as all the natural hair oils go down the drain too! It is important to consider using a natural shampoo that is sulfate free. Aubrey Organics do a great line of these shampoos. Some health food stores also carry some sulfate free shampoos. Alternatively, you can troll through the endless shampoos available in beauty supply stores until you find one that meets your requirements.

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