Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Benefits of Sesame Seed Oil on Hair

Sesame Seed Oil is indeed mostly used for cooking purpose, but it also offers plenty of benefits for human health. When applied properly, the oil provides nutrients for human skin, hair, and bones. It also helps to regulate blood pressure and serotonin level in brain. Below are seven health benefits of sesame seed oil.

On the Hair:
Similar to other hair oils, you can use sesame oil to massage the scalp. If applied regularly, it helps to darken hair color and reduce hair fall problems. Another benefit is that sesame oil is able to prevent dandruff by killing the bacteria that cause such hair/scalp problem. Sesame Oil is a very rich or heavy oil, providing extreme moisture to the hair. Sesame Oil is a high end oil, such as Argan, and Jojoba Oil. 

On the Skin:
The most prominent sesame oil health benefits are for skin care. It can act as moisturizer, emollient, and anti-inflammatory remedy. Its texture is fairly thick, but it can penetrate the skin easily. Sesame oil can also trap toxins on your skin and carry them away as you wash your body. You can even use sesame oil as a sunscreen lotion. In some cases, sesame oil is possibly used for treating fungal diseases and vaginal yeast infections

Sesame Oil also has other benefits for the body that can be found @


  • 2 oz  $5.00
  • 4 oz  $8.00
  • oz  $12.00


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1 comment:

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